How often you have faced the challenge of driving initiatives in your Organization?
How many of your strategic and operational interventions have met their expected results?
Accordingly to a study in the West, 63% of the total Organization-wide initiatives fail to deliver their expected results. Organizations are losing an average of US$109 million for every US$1 billion spent on strategic or operational interventions.
Our proprietary inventory “Organization Competitiveness Index © (OCI)” developed after a three-year long study and data collection of over 2205 Indian Managers, provides insights on the plausible reasons for the limited success of these strategic and operational initiatives undertaken each year.
It helps an Organization assess if Managers of the Organization believe in its competitiveness and see it achieving success in the future. OCI provides invaluable insights into the areas which will help an Organization become competitive
Development of Organization Competitiveness Index ©
As part of development of this Competitive Index instrument, over 32 CEO/CXOs and Functional Heads across Large and Medium-sized Indian Organizations were asked to respond to the following question**:
What makes an Organization competitive internally?
The study found that the success of any Organizational initiative is completely dependent on the Managers who exhibit wholesome involvement in deploying and driving an initiative.
“Belief Factor” about competitiveness of Organization was found to be most critical in assessing probability of success for any business transformation initiative.
Organizations aspiring for continuous evolution and growth need to regularly assess the “Belief Factor” amongst their Managerial cadre who are the change agents.
Our “Organization Competitiveness Index © (OCI)” tool was conceptualized to assess the Human Capital’s Belief Factor in the Organization’s Competitiveness and assess its readiness for future interventions.
OCI is an Industry-neutral and Statistically- validated instrument to assess the Managerial belief in any Organization. OCI comprises of 18 Statements categorized into four factors that influence the Competitiveness of an Organization. These factors are:
• Organisation's Resource Capability and Motivation
• Leadership and Organisation Culture
• Customer Sensitivity and Operational Excellence
• Alignment of the Managers with Organisation's Goals
Competitiveness of an Organization being assessed through the instrument is a reflection of the Manager's “belief factor” in his/her Organization.
• The world’s largest online fraternity of Human Resource Professionals has acknowledged OCI.
• OCI has been deployed in over 17 Organizations in India, United Kingdom and Nigeria.
• Contact us to deploy OCI and assess Belief Factor of your Managers.